Friday, December 08, 2006

Singapore And Melbourne

I've just returned from a fantastic 1st trip to Singapore and Melbourne! On the flight from Dubai to Singapore we had major turbulence for the first hour. This involved the crew sitting on the floor of the galley trying to hold all the food trolleys steady. A fun experience to get me started! Singapore was very humid but everywhere is air conditioned just like Dubai. The hotel was nice and in the centre of the city. I went out with the Purser and 2 other crew members for a chinese the night we arrived.

As the flight to Melbourne was during the evening it was very quiet. This gave us a chance to sit in the back row and watch some TV. The flight arrived 2 hours late so I only managed to get 5 hours sleep before I met up with my Uncle and went out for lunch to the Casino in the city.

I managed to see the new James Bond movie when we were back in Singapore. It's quite good but lacks the action and gadgets that are in all the other movies. My friend Pierre from training college was also in Singapore so we went out for lunch. I arrived back in Dubai at 6am this morning and have just woken up after a very long sleep. Now it's time to do my washing!
The hotel we stay in at Melbourne. They do the best cooked breakfast ever!
A view of Melbourne.
Looking towards the hotel.
The hotel in Singapore. I got a really good city view room.

Singapore City.

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