Saturday, December 30, 2006

London Heathrow, The Home Of bmi!

I have just returned from a fantastic trip back to London Heathrow. I was based at Heathrow with my last airline, bmi, for 2 years. I managed to see all my best friends and had a really good time with them. The flight home to Dubai was the worst flight I have been on so far as some of the passengers were very rude and demanding although we had fun as it was a great crew and my friend Charles from training was also onboard. I'm off back to London again on the 1st and will hopefully have just as much fun that time too.
Standing next to A6-EMI, the Boeing 777-200 aircraft we did the flight on.
Me and Charles.
The Economy Class crew. L-R Charles, Me, Mohamed, Anne (Our SFS), Reginald and Sudhakar. SFS stands for Senior Flight Steward/ess and they are in-charge of a cabin (Economy or Business).
G-DBCH One of the bmi aircraft I used to fly on.
Martin and Dee (David). We had a few drinks and then went out for a Thai meal.

After seeing Martin and Dee I met up with some of my other friends and they came back to my hotel room to stay the night. I wanted to do something British so we had Tea and Scones! L-R Alex, Chris, Nat and Kate.

The next day we went out to Mark Donalds (the posh name we now use for McDonalds) for breakfast.

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